A 22-year-old animate cutter has absolved chargeless from Geelong Magistrates' Cloister today, alienated a confidence for a vicious night-time artery affray in December aftermost year.

Jake Broughton and three added men, including his aide and co-accused James Twentyman, became complex in a barbarous attack on a man which started over a acknowledgment over words said to them on Little Mallop Artery in Geelong's CBD.
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In the attack Lewis Doak was agape benumbed back he was best up and airtight to the adhesive by Broughton, who afresh punched him afresh while he lay unresponsive on the pavement.
The complete of Mr Broughton's anchor hitting Doak with force could be heard in a video uploaded to amusing media by bystanders who witnessed the attack.
Mr Doak lay apoplectic on the arena with his accoutrements and legs advance for the blow of the video.
Police declared Mr Twentyman best up a metal besom and headed appear the benumbed man afore bystanders aseptic him.
The cloister heard Mr Broughton was bubbler for about 14 hours afore the advance and all four men complex in the adventure had banned to co-operate with police.
Jake Broughton, 22, and three added men, including his aide and co-accused James Twentyman, became complex in a barbarous advance on a man (pictured lying on ground) which started over a acknowledgment over words said to them in Geelong's CBD
Mr Broughton's defence advocate Adrian Paull said the adventure was out of appearance and he had abdicate his job and no best associated with his above colleagues.
'He is absolutely apologetic for his captivation in this incident.
'He's not a man who goes out to pubs and clubs, he's addition who
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