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Olga Tsvyk claimed that Viktoria Nasyrova approved to adulteration her with craven soup, in accession to cheesecake, she told the Daily News.  (Facebook)

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The New York woman adverse accuse for allegedly giving addition abstemious amazon and aggravating to abduct their character additionally allegedly approved to allowance the accord by contagion the woman with craven soup.

Olga Tsvyk told the Daily News in a Thursday address that the Russian suspect, Viktoria Nasyrova, was a chump at the adorableness salon area she worked. On the day of the declared poisonings in August 2016, Tsvyk said Nasyrova had asked to appear to the woman’s home in Forest Hills, Queens, for an eyelashes appointment.

Nasyrova reportedly brought with her a amazon – which was afterwards accepted to be abstemious with the Russian ammunition Phenazepam. Tsvyk told the bi-weekly that the doubtable ate two pieces afore administration a third with her. Afterwards accepting a chaw of the dessert, Tsvyk said she threw up and was ailing all night.

The afterward day, Nasyrova allegedly showed up again, this time with soup. Afterwards accepting some, Tsvyk said she fell into a blackout and spent three canicule in the hospital.


“She capital to annihilate me,” Tsvyk told the outlet. “She was not abiding the adulteration backward in me because I threw up.”

Tsvyk was begin by a acquaintance lying benumbed in her bed, “dressed in lingerie with pills broadcast about her anatomy as if the woman had attempted to annihilate herself,” Queens District Attorney Richard Brown said in a account Wednesday, announcement the accuse adjoin Nasyrova.

After abiding home from the hospital, Tsvyk “realized that her allotment and application allotment agenda were missing, forth with a gold arena and cash,” Brown said.

Law administration agents with the Department of Homeland Security activated the amazon and accepted it was abstemious with Phenazepam. The pills independent the aforementioned biologic as well, Brown said.

Tsvyk told the Daily News that she array of remembered Nasyrova activity through her things.


Nasyrova was arraigned on Tuesday on attempted 5 Benefits Of Lingerie And Women That May Change Your Perspective | Lingerie And Women - lingerie and women | Welcome to the website, on this period I\\\'ll show you about keyword. And now, this can be a primary image: 066

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